Sunday, March 7, 2010

Day 6

Today was much better. I feel like my cravings for sugars are going away. I even went to a birthday party and didn't have any of the cake or ice cream, even though it looked really good. I even brought my own food so I wouldn't be tempted to munch on stuff. I honestly don't know how someone only eats 2000 calories a day without counting and being really strict. I'm at almost 1800 every day and I've cut nearly all my carbs and sugars. I think if I would have tracked what I ate before the diet I would be disgusted with myself at how many calories I was actually eating. I have to say Daily Burn .com has really helped me out. I just enter everything I eat as I go so I see exactly how my day is adding up. That way I know if I splurge on breakfast (add a banana to my protein shake) Then I should keep my dinner simple.

Totals: Calories 1765 Carbs 130 Protien 145.7 Fat 76.3

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