Thursday, September 16, 2010

Grilled Chicken & Veg

This is one of my favorite simplest meals
Cut up Chicken and Zucchini and marinade in Light Cheese Fantastico dressing.
After 5 mins + put into a sauce pan and saute until done.
This time I added cut up tomatoes the last few minutes of cooking which was really good.
I've also made it with green beans.

Jackie Warner Shake

1 scoop Protien powder (low sugar)
1 tsp Glutamine powder
1 tsp BCAA Powder (amino acids)
1 Tbs L Carnitine (fat burner)
1/2 tsp Flax Seed oil
1 cup Frozen Spinach
1 cup Frozen Berries

This was on her show Thintervention. I wanted to document it for future use.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Tips and Tricks

I've been on my diet a little over a month and a half and I've come up with some of my own little tricks to make everything taste good.
The pancakes definitely need some help. I like to add an egg and some about a 1/8 tsp. baking soda. Then to make them even more wholesome I like to add about a tbs of Wheat Germ and Flax Seed.
The brownies are my favorite but I think they need either a packet of Stevia or my preference a drizzle of Da Vinci Caramel sugar free syrup.
All the shakes I do in my magic bullet with Ice. The vanilla is good with a little Cinnamon and nutmeg.
The oatmeal needs some texture and if you stir it before you cook it, it doesn't have much. So I pour the water over and microwave for a minute then stir. At first I added a packet of Stevia to it too but you get use to the taste.
More to come...

Monday, July 26, 2010

Day 1 of New Diet

I'm starting a new program today. It's a program I'm doing with the help of my friend Jacqui who is now a health coach. She's had huge success with it and has inspired me to give it a try. It's a high protein low calorie diet.
She tells me the first two days I'm going to be really hungry and then for 2 weeks it will be kind of hard, but then you just forget about eating and you start feeling great. I'm looking forward to that part, plus the loosing a lot of weight.
Wish me luck!
Start weight 160
goal is to lose 30

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Taking a break

Not from my diet but from blogging about it everyday. I've still been doing really good on my diet although I'm realizing the pounds aren't going to just melt away like I was hoping but I'm not willing to do anything extreme right now because I'm still breast feeding and I don't want to do anything that would harm little Ian. I already feel like I should be eating more calories for him, but really I'm just cutting out the sugar and carbs which were the bulk of the calories I was eating before. Now I'm adding alot more protein and vegetables which are much more nutritious for him anyways.
That being said, I do have bookclub tonight and all bets are off.. The girls bring way too good of food, including desserts, and I'm eating it all!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Day 15, March 15th

It's my birthday. So even though I didn't completely go off the wagon I decided I wasn't going to count calories just for one day. I actually think I did pretty good except I ate half a cinnamon roll and some 'healthy' brownies.
I can't believe it's been 2 weeks. It hasn't been that hard really. Once you're fully committed you just do it and think about it too much.
For lunch today I was thinking about all the places I could go for lunch to 'treat myself' but decided to go to the cafe attached to the health food store and I'm glad I did. I had a really good chicken quesadilla. I think it's going to be my new favorite restaurant. There are so many good healthy choices I can't wait to try a few more options.

Day 14

Calories 1524 Protein 102.7 Carbs 82.4 Fats 67.2

Obviously this isn't completely accurate because there was Birthday Cake involved that I haven't accounted for. But I had a fun lunch with my girlfriends and even still I did pretty good with my diet, but I'm a sucker for cake, can't help it.