Thursday, September 16, 2010

Grilled Chicken & Veg

This is one of my favorite simplest meals
Cut up Chicken and Zucchini and marinade in Light Cheese Fantastico dressing.
After 5 mins + put into a sauce pan and saute until done.
This time I added cut up tomatoes the last few minutes of cooking which was really good.
I've also made it with green beans.

Jackie Warner Shake

1 scoop Protien powder (low sugar)
1 tsp Glutamine powder
1 tsp BCAA Powder (amino acids)
1 Tbs L Carnitine (fat burner)
1/2 tsp Flax Seed oil
1 cup Frozen Spinach
1 cup Frozen Berries

This was on her show Thintervention. I wanted to document it for future use.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Tips and Tricks

I've been on my diet a little over a month and a half and I've come up with some of my own little tricks to make everything taste good.
The pancakes definitely need some help. I like to add an egg and some about a 1/8 tsp. baking soda. Then to make them even more wholesome I like to add about a tbs of Wheat Germ and Flax Seed.
The brownies are my favorite but I think they need either a packet of Stevia or my preference a drizzle of Da Vinci Caramel sugar free syrup.
All the shakes I do in my magic bullet with Ice. The vanilla is good with a little Cinnamon and nutmeg.
The oatmeal needs some texture and if you stir it before you cook it, it doesn't have much. So I pour the water over and microwave for a minute then stir. At first I added a packet of Stevia to it too but you get use to the taste.
More to come...